Vaugines is located on the D56 between Lourmarin and Cucuron, 40 minutes from Aix en Provence and 60 from Marseille by highway. 

Aux Deux Fontaines stands right behind the City Hall. The postal address is 78 rue de la Fontaine but the main entrance is on rue Vieille, number 50. Rue Vieille is the first street to your right after the City Hall. You can’t miss it. It has a huge stairway leading to a big, antique wooden door. 

78 Rue de la Fontaine 84160 Vaugines, France

Google Map : code QCH8+M3  Vaugines


The streets of Vaugines are narrow and some of them are one-way such as Rue de la Fontaine. Rue Vieille is a dead end. It is highly recommended to park in the parking lot located at the tail end of Rue de la Fontaine.  Take a left at the intersection, opposite the sign ‘Sortie du Village’. It is recommended to call 06 08 41 71 51 upon arriving so that your host can meet you in the parking lot and help you with your luggage and… orientation. 


Are you not comfortable driving in France? Not a problem at all. My Private Transfer can assist you and be your trip partner upon landing in Marseille, or arriving at the Aix en Provence train station. It can also drive you around Luberon and Provence for a few hours, a full day or weeks on end.